The Difference Between Mold Removal and Mold Remediation
When we imagine mold, we often imagine large pieces of discolored walls and ceilings that throw toxic fumes into our living space. Naturally, this makes the idea of a mold infestation an alarming one for homeowners, and they typically want a company to remove the mold entirely from their house.
From here, they often turn to a mold removal or remediation specialist. However, a search for such services often creates confusion about < the difference between mold removal and mold remediation , as well as the nature of mold itself.
Mold “Removal” and Mold Remediation
The term “mold removal” is somewhat misleading. It implies that the process removes all traces of mold. Mold remediation, on the other hand, refers to reducing mold to safe levels. However, it is impossible to remove all traces of mold from a home, so when a service offers mold removal services, they are typically referring to mold remediation. In other words, there is no difference between mold removal and remediation.
This doesn’t mean that companies offering “mold removal” services are necessarily attempting subterfuge. They often use the term for the sake of simplicity. Many homeowners don’t know what “remediation” means in this context but understand the need to remove the mold from their homes. As such, businesses will use the term “removal” instead.
Why Mold Removal Is Impossible
Most homeowners can recognize mold when they see it growing on a wall or in the corner of a basement, but this is only the mold that has grown to levels detectable by the human eye. Even when you don’t see mold, microscopic mold spores are present in the air all around us, whether inside or outside. It is virtually impossible to remove all of these spores, so companies focus on reducing the spores until they pose no threat to those in the area.
What Are “Safe Levels” of Mold
Even though we are encounter mold constantly, there comes a point when levels grow too high. It can cause allergic reactions and breathing problems. How much mold is too much depends mostly on its variety. For example, common airborne mold that is nontoxic may be acceptable in higher quantities than ones that are not typically airborne and have higher toxicity.
Fortunately, mold removal companies in Connecticut can help identify whether you have a mold problem and what steps are necessary to return your home to a livable state.