Mold Removal In Westport
There’s nothing more satisfying than a hot, steamy shower on a cold day or after spending a sun-soaked day at the shore. But did you know that this simple pleasure could be inviting mold into your Westport home? Mold is attracted to moisture, especially humidity. If not well ventilated, that simple shower could be laying the groundwork for mold to find a spot to grow. While sometimes you can spot the mold along your windowsill or on the shower tiles, it can hide behind walls and under the bathroom sink. If you have found mold in ANY room of your Westport home, the time to remove it is NOW.
Mold can colonize in a few days, taking root on many substances, from wood to baseboards to flooring. Mold will attack its host, slowly consuming the material until it has rotted away and must be replaced. However, if you catch mold early enough, it can be removed without the possibility of massive damage. Removing small amounts of mold in your home may be manageable, but there is no guarantee it won’t return. Painting over mold may mask its presence, but it will eventually return, primarily if the moisture feeding the mold is not addressed. Bleaches and other chemicals may slow the mold’s growth, but there are potential hazards to using these cleaners. Instead, call the pros at Connecticut Mold. Our trained technicians can address your mold issue and safely and thoroughly remove it from your Westport home.
Having a little mold growth in your house may not seem like a big deal. Unfortunately, it is. Although mold is a common element in the ecosystem, certain types of mold are not only destructive to your home’s building materials. Still, they can also be detrimental to your family’s health. Mold is an allergen that can exacerbate allergy symptoms like coughs, runny noses, headaches, and watery eyes.
People with asthma or other breathing conditions can also be affected. Certain types of mold, classified as “Black Mold,” produce a chemical mycotoxin that is poisonous to animals and humans. Prolonged exposure to these molds and the mycotoxins can result in advanced lung issues, immune deficiencies, and even death. You may not be able to recognize these types of molds, even if you see them in your home. At Connecticut Mold, our fully trained mold technicians can take samples, compare indoor and outdoor mold levels, and, most importantly, remove the mold from your house.
Professional Mold Removal
Since mold is airborne, it is just searching for a humid, moist place to plant and grow. There are several do-it-yourself tips on cleaning mold, but it will reappear if you somehow miss some. If the mold spores from the colony are disturbed, they are launched into the air and will seek out a new place to sprout. By enlisting the help of Connecticut Mold to remove your home’s mold problem, you are giving yourself peace of mind that the mold and its water source will be stopped.
Often, mold finds its way into your air conditioning and heating unit, where the mold spores get pushed into every room in your house. The growth begins once these spores connect with a water source—in your laundry room, mudroom, garage, kitchen, bathroom, basement, or attic. Plus, if you have found visible mold in your home, chances are, you have hidden mold, as well. Our technicians use revolutionary equipment to find hidden mold and remove it before it becomes a nightmare.
When our technicians prepare to remove the mold from your home, they take every precaution to protect you, your belongings, and the other areas of your home. Protective plastic sheeting isolates rooms burdened with mold growth to keep the spores contained. Furnishings are covered, and any damaged materials are double-bagged and disposed of. Our technicians also wear full hazmat suits to ensure they are not tracking mold spores throughout your home as they clean. They wear protective gear, including gloves, boots, goggles, and protective face masks to protect them from ingesting or absorbing mold through their skin.
Mold removal is a painstaking process and requires time and expertise. Our comprehensive mold removal process includes the sealed, double-bagged disposal of wet, damaged materials that cannot be saved; vacuuming the air with HEPA air scrubbers to minimize the dust and mold in the air; the application of antimicrobial chemicals to kill any lingering mold on materials, and the drying out of any salvageable substances by using industrialized fans and dehumidifiers.
When you call Connecticut Mold, you’re calling one of the Westport area’s leading mold removal companies. Our years of experience, modern equipment, comprehensively trained technicians, and overall mold knowledge equal a company you can count on. Call us today if you even suspect your Westport home may have mold growth! Also, don’t forget to ask about our additional mold services: dehumidification, mold assessment, mold remediation, mold testing and mold inspection in Westport!