With an abundance of rain, snow, sleet, and hail, West Hartford is a prime spot for mold growth. Mold, a natural element in our surroundings, colonizes and grows when it meets a water source, including snow from blizzards and rain from summer showers. While you may not think the outside elements can affect the mold growth inside your home, you’d be wrong! Puddles, condensation, floods, and water breaches under your basement or attic can invite mold inside your West Hartford home. Why is mold a problem, and what can you do about it? Call your local experts at Connecticut Mold for an all-inclusive mold inspection of your home to get the answers you need!
Mold Issues
Not only is mold unsightly, but it can cause severe problems inside your home. Mold starts to decay its host almost immediately, so any wood, fabric, flooring, insulation, and other porous building materials can be under attack. When caught early, our technicians can remove the mold, and the materials are dried out and cleaned. However, when mold is left to flourish too long, the materials break down and must be removed entirely and remediated. A home with mold is difficult to sell and possibly unsafe to inhabit, depending upon the amount of mold and its type. The longer you wait to address the mold problem, the more expensive and extensive it becomes.
Mold infestation also plays a significant part in the health of those living in the house or working in an office with this problem. Mold is floating in the air and on surfaces, making indoor air worse than outdoor air since outdoors experiences cool breezes, fresh rainwater, and other weather conditions not found indoors. When the indoor mold colonizes, it can cause allergic reactions in some people, including watery eyes, dry coughs, exacerbated asthma attacks, and other respiratory problems. Since there are so many mold variations—over 100,000 species, at last count—it is difficult to know how each person will react when they encounter mold build-up.
Pregnant women, small children, older people, and those with compromised immune systems are at risk for health issues. However, the damage can be even more severe if your home harbors certain strains of mold like Stachybotrys or Chaetomium. These types of molds—also known as black mold—secrete dangerous chemicals like mycotoxins into your home. Mycotoxins can cause migraines, lung and breathing problems, cognitive issues, and neurological disorders, and the damage only worsens over prolonged exposure.
How do you know if your West Hartford home is infested with one of these harmful strains of mold? You don’t! There are no telltale signs, even though the name “black mold” may seem obvious. Black mold can be a variety of colors, and unless you have the mold tested by a lab, you may never know which kind you have. Also, mold growth can hide behind walls, floors, attic crawl spaces, and other out-of-the-way spots. A thorough mold inspection by the certified specialists at Connecticut Mold is imperative for your family’s health and well-being.
Comprehensive Inspection
A mold inspection can be a pre-emptive method to keep your home free of mold colonization, or it may be in response to a musty, mildew smell indicating hidden mold. You’ve even seen mold in your home—along bathroom windowsills, underneath cabinets, or via water damage on your ceiling. A comprehensive mold inspection by the trained professionals at Connecticut Mold can help, regardless of the situation. During your mold inspection, our technicians will utilize the most advanced equipment and techniques to unearth the hidden mold that may be causing the most problems. Unattended faucet drips and leaky pipes are often culprits that encourage mold growth, so our team uses moisture traps to find the areas with excess water vapor. Addressing the water source is the first step in stopping mold colonies; the colonies cannot live without a water source. We also use infrared cameras to “see” behind walls, and mold samples are taken to be analyzed and categorized. Investing in a complete mold inspection by Connecticut Mold will give you peace of mind because what you can’t see can hurt you, and knowledge is power.
Call the Professionals
It’s pretty plain that having a professional mold inspection is a good idea, but is it necessary? You may think you can complete the check yourself, especially if the mold is visible to the naked eye. However, mold is very fragile and easily disturbed. While investigating your home for mold spores, you may inadvertently launch them into your home’s air, causing them to scatter and land in other parts of the house, making your problem worse! Also, if you are not adequately outfitted in protective gear, you may ingest mold spores through your eyes, nose, mouth, or skin, possibly causing a health reaction.
At Connecticut Mold, our trained specialists know how to handle mold samples and protect your home from cross-contamination. We also offer suggestions and solutions once the mold has been located and examples have been analyzed. We offer years of experience and know the climate and topography of West Hartford and the surrounding areas. At Connecticut Mold, we’re here to help! Additionally, we also offer mold services like mold removal, mold assessment, mold testing, mold remediation and dehumidification in West Hartford.