Have you ever stepped out of your shower only to find your bathroom fan wasn’t working, and the air felt moist and hot? While the feeling of high humidity may not be pleasant for most people, it is a conducive environment for mold growth. If you have found mold in your Monroe home, the time to act is now! By letting the mold grow, you are inviting a slew of health issues and encouraging material decomposition. Mold will latch on to various building materials, including baseboards, flooring, fabrics, furniture, wood, drywall, and insulation, causing material destruction. If mold is not addressed immediately, it can cause a structural breakdown of your home, making it difficult to sell and an unhealthy place for your family to live. Don’t hesitate to contact the experts at Connecticut Mold to help you eliminate the problem!
Since mold loves moisture, the natural mold spores in our environment will seek water sources to help them grow. It’s true; you have mold spores in your home floating through the air and surfaces, just searching for a leak or a puddle so it can colonize. You may be able to see the mold or even smell a musty, damp mildew odor, but mold growth will often be hiding in out-of-the-way places. Regardless of its location, the mold must be quickly removed, and antimicrobial agents applied to deter future mold colonies. But how can you safely remove mold? How much damage has it caused? How can I discourage it from returning? The certified mold technicians from Connecticut Mold can help answer these questions and find the best solutions for your home’s unique situation.
The first step in discouraging mold growth in your Monroe home is to find any leaks, condensation, or other water sources that are helping the mold colonize. Fixing the water situation is the most crucial step because the mold will return as long as it has moisture. You can paint over the mold, scrub it clean, or even replace damaged materials, but the mold will come back if the water source is not rectified. Next, the mold must be located and professionally removed to ensure safety. Mold ingestion can be harmful, so a mold specialist in a set of full protective gear should perform the mold removal process. During removal, the technician will cordon off the infected area, double bag and remove any debris, and dispose of the contents to prevent cross-contamination of other rooms. This process aims to salvage the materials that may have mold growth to avoid the mess and expense of replacing these materials. To “dry out” wet sheetrock, flooring, ceilings, and other surfaces in your home that may have gotten wet due to a storm or leak, the experts at Connecticut Mold use a process called dehumidification.
So how does the dehumidification process work, and how can it be used to save the materials that comprise my house? There are several ways to provide dehumidification, but essentially, it boils down to airflow and humidity. The relative humidity level in your Monroe home should be kept between 30 to 60 percent to discourage mold growth. Of course, no two homes or mold situations are exactly alike, so our technicians at Connecticut Mold will assess your home’s mold growth and the damage that has occurred and then put a plan of action into place based on your specific needs. In most circumstances, we will use industrial-sized dehumidifiers to extract humid air via a fan and move the air over a drying mechanism, removing the moisture.
Once the air has had the water removed, it is pumped back into the room. Industrialized-size fans are also used to dry out any wet materials, so they do not have to be replaced. The goal is to reduce your home’s relative humidity and keep areas dry so mold colonies cannot grow. At Connecticut Mold, our technicians utilize several different dehumidification processes, including desiccant dehumidifiers, refrigeration-based dehumidifiers, hygrometers to measure air humidity, and large fans. We use one of several methods of dehumidification as soon as possible before mold growth has an opportunity to take hold and start to cause destruction.
Why Connecticut Mold?
Your home is your castle, and you want to protect your investment while ensuring your family lives in a healthy environment. Once the mold colonies have been destroyed, you want to maintain your home’s proper mold and humidity levels. Regular mold inspections are recommended to curtail mold growth and find new potential hiding spots. At Connecticut Mold, we provide a full array of mold services, from inspections, assessment, remediation and testing to removal. Contact the professionals or schedule an appointment at Connecticut Mold today to help keep mold at bay!